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March 2025

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tag: snow

– three-peat –

today we spent our third day in a row cooped up in the house because of the snow storm. third day is a charm… i guess. it was our first day with some sunlight and we were actually productive and did some cleaning. work is called off again tomorrow. crazy!!!

– ryan & gub

– day two –

cabin fever is setting in! we are off work again but stuck at home with the icy roads. hot cocoa and groundhog day it is!

– ryan & gub

– snow day –

we had a snow day today! YAY for snow days! we made a big pot of soup, baked cookies, played in the snow, and visited with neighbors. it was great fun!

oh, and check out the new house color. we had it painted this summer. full post with before and after photos coming soon…

– ryan & gub

– catch a falling snowflake –

we are being hit by a crazy snow storm right now! it’s really coming down out there. i would say a few inches or more has already fallen! it should be a beautiful white morning.

– ryan

– snow flurries –

we had some flurries and a very light snow coating today!

– ryan

– december is here –

boy has this year blown by, it feels like the holiday season was just here. oh well. check out this house we winterized for a commercial i worked on recently. they chopped up these huge 400 lb chunks of ice and sprayed it all over the house and yard. it actually felt and looked like real snow, which was fun!

– ryan

– when the snow melts –

i filmed the snow melting on our back deck after the recent snow storm. the camera went for 3 days and i put together this time-lapse piece from the footage.

– ryan

– one more snow day –

we had another snow day in atlanta! twice in a month is quite crazy for the south. gub and i tried to stay warm while enjoying the beautiful scenery. i ended up taking a ton of photos and filmed a time lapse of the snow storm.

– words & photos/video by ryan