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March 2025

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tag: instagram

– first day 2024!!! –

– it’s that time of year again, the way too early first day of school! this summer went by fast and the kids have gotten way bigger! scroll through to see all of the kiddos first days. clem is starting 8th and grey is starting 6th grade.

– ryan & gub

– school bus ride –

It’s been a minute!

it’s been a minute! #schoolbus #drewcharterschool

-from our instagram feed!

– ryan & gub

– piper down –

from our instagram feed!

– ryan & gub

– art and found day –

what a wonderful find on the beltline today! turns out it was #ArtandFoundDay and artists around the world left original artwork out for others to find. This beautiful piece is by @SharonWalker.Art !!! time to find a great spot for it in our home! @ArtAndFoundDay #ArtAndFoundDay2024

click and drag the image to scroll through the various photos from our instagram feed!

– ryan & gub

– box ??? –

Anyone know what this box is?  Weighs 5 1/2 pounds.  Seems like it’s made out of cast iron.  Has a “10” on the bottom of the base and a “2” on the bottom of the lid

anyone know what this box is? weighs 5 1/2 pounds. seems like it’s made out of cast iron. has a “10” on the bottom of the base and a “2” on the bottom of the lid.

from our instagram feed!

– ryan & gub

– sweet clementine –

My sweet Clementine at our friend Stella Martinez’s Quinceanero last weekend.  We had such an amazing time celebrating with our dear friends.

our sweet clementine at our friend stella martinez’s quinceanero last weekend. we had such an amazing time celebrating with our dear friends.

-from our instagram feed!

– ryan & gub

– broken piece –

My cats did this today and I’m having a really hard time getting over it.  It came from my grandparents house

my cats did this today and I’m having a really hard time getting over it. it came from my grandparents house.

from our instagram feed!

– ryan & gub

– pascal the cat –

This cat is ridiculous

this cat is ridiculous!!!

-from our instagram feed!

– ryan & gub

– Happy Thanksgiving to all! –

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

from our instagram feed!

– ryan & gub

– Grey had an awesome 11th birthday! –

Grey had an awesome 11th birthday!

from our instagram feed!

– ryan & gub