behold, the Sterritt family Christmas tree! from our instagram feed!
– ryan & gub
7170 jot-em down road
gainesville, ga 30506

date of post: November 27th, 2016 | category: agritourism, photography
tags: agritourism, cutitdownyourself, holiday, instagram, kinseyfamilyfarm, ryan & gub
comments: none

on our way to cut down a christmas tree at kinsey family farms and had to stop at the big pink panthers! from our instagram feed!
– ryan & gub
7170 jot-em down road
gainesville, ga 30506

date of post: November 27th, 2016 | category: photography
tags: instagram, pinkpanther, ryan & gub
comments: none

from our instagram feed!
– ryan & gub

date of post: November 25th, 2016 | category: photography
tags: instagram, ryan & gub
comments: none

from our instagram feed!
– ryan & gub

date of post: November 25th, 2016 | category: photography
tags: instagram, ryan & gub, unclecullen
comments: none

from our instagram feed!
– ryan & gub

date of post: November 18th, 2016 | category: photography
tags: barrelagedsour, cherryreserva, instagram, orpheusbrewing, ryan & gub, theporterbar, wildale
comments: none

sloshy crushed it last night at 529 EAV with air-sea dolphin!!! from our
instagram feed!
– ryan & gub

date of post: November 12th, 2016 | category: photography
tags: 529eav, airseadolphin, homestarrunner, instagram, jameshusband, robertschneider, ryan & gub, sloshyband
comments: none

woke up to fog on the lake this morning! from our instagram feed!
– ryan & gub
1763 tugaloo state park road
lavonia, georgia 30553

date of post: November 5th, 2016 | category: parks, photography
tags: camping, fallcamping, gastateparks, instagram, parks, ryan & gub, tugaloostatepark
comments: none