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March 2025

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archive for 'events'

– nursery transformation: week eight –

we finished installing our shelves and started filling them with the treasures we have collected and received as gifts. our friend kristen hosted an amazing baby shower for us this past weekend at her shop treehouse kid & craft in athens. she has the most beautiful things in her store and our friends and family showered us with lots of wonderful goodies for the baby!

we are playing around with placement of things in this tiny room and we’ve moved the crib so that it sits on a diagonal, coming out from the corner… can’t decide if we like it this way yet or not. we still have a rocking chair on the way that needs to fit in here as well.

next on the to do list:
select and purchase a rug
make a cover for the seat cushion
make the roman shade for the window
make a mobile for over the crib

– gub & ryan

treehouse kid & craft

suite a, 815 west broad street
athens, ga 30601


check out our week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6 and week 7 nursery posts!

– happy birthday –

today is gub’s birthday! yay!

– ryan & gub

– holiday zoo –

we went to see the lights before christmas at the riverbanks zoo in columbia, sc! there were lots of lights to see and a petting zoo where gub met a nice lama.

– ryan & gub

– so that happened –

i turned 30, which is kind of crazy. to make the most of such a big birthday, i tried to do something fun every hour and take photos.

here’s what i got into:

– tour of homes –

we had a really great time being part of the kirkwood tour of homes! we met a lot of nice neighbors and got to show off our cute little house. it turns out one of our neighbors becky writes for various blogs and wrote about our house here and here!

we’ve spent the last couple of months working on house projects and doing the most thorough spring cleaning we’ve done in ages. our friend and neighbor miguel martinez took photos of our house in all its de-cluttered glory. he is a really amazing photographer who works for the mundo hispánico. he took so many great photos we decided to spread them out over a few posts.

this first post covers our front porch, family room, media room, backyard and garden.

– ryan & gub

– tour part two –

the second part of our tour of home series features our office, bedrooms, and bathroom, which includes our vintage snow globe collection.

again, all of the photos were taken by our friend miguel martinez!

– ryan & gub

– tour part three –

the third and final part of our tour of homes series covers our kitchen and back deck. we’ve done a lot of work on our kitchen over the last year. we tiled our kitchen floor, added a backsplash, repainted, recovered our kitchen chairs, and added new roman shades to the windows. we plan on doing posts on our renovations, so we won’t get into too many details on the upgrades right now.

again, all of the photos were taken by our friend miguel martinez!

– ryan & gub

– kirkwood spring fling –

we are very excited to be a part of the kirkwood tour of homes! our home is one of only eight houses on the tour, so we feel honored to be asked to participate. the tour is part of the 8th annual kirkwood spring fling, which is going on this weekend in historic kirkwood. the festival also features a 5k race on saturday morning and an open air artist market with a ton of vendors, good eats, and live bands. admission to the festival is free from 10am-7pm on saturday at bessie branham park. tickets for the kirkwood tour of homes can be purchased at the festival or at local kirkwood businesses.

after the festival we hope post regularly again, we’ve spent all of our free time fixing up the house.

– ryan & gub

kirkwood spring fling
2051 delano drive ne
atlanta, georgia 30317

tour of homes
saturday, may 15th, 2010
sunday, may 16th, 2010
from 12pm until 6pm

5k race
saturday, may 15th, 2010
starts at 9am

artist market
saturday, May 15th, 2010
from 10am until 7pm

– happy easter –

we celebrated easter by spending a fun morning drinking coffee and dyeing easter eggs in our new yellow kitchen. there will be a blog post on the kitchen re-do later, but here are the steps we took to create our colorful and recyclable eggs:

– hard boil eggs
– set up easter egg dye kit (we used a cheap grocery store paas kit)
– add stencils and resists to the eggs*
– stir dye bath and carefully place egg in the dye
– leave egg in the dye for 5 to 10 minutes (lighter colors take longer)
– remove from dye and remove stencil or resist
– place eggs in basket or nest (we used shredded paper scraps for our grass!)

*we created leaf stencils by picking small leaves from our yard and placing them on the egg. we then tightly wrapped panty hose around the egg and secured with a rubber band. small, thin leaves with few veins work best for the stencils. we also used electrical tape to add stripes and lines to the eggs.

yay easter!

deviled eggs for dinner!

– ryan & gub

– you look unreal this time –

today is the 6th anniversary of our first date! how time flies. to celebrate, here is a time-lapse of our wedding ceremony up in the georgia mountains!

– ryan & gub