archive for August, 2012
– plenty o’ tomatoes –
GARDEN UPDATE: our tomato plants have been producing a ton of fruit this summer! they seem to love the heat and their new placement in our mailbox planters. our two mailbox plants have produced more tomatoes than we’ve had in years! we often pull them a little early and let them ripen in the windowsill.
– ryan & gub
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date of post: August 8th, 2012 | category: food, garden, summer
tags: food, garden, ryan & gub, summer
comments: none
– national lighthouse day –
today is national lighthouse day! as you probably are aware, we are big fans of
lighthouses. in fact, we try to explore ones we’ve never seen before whenever we head to the coast.
check out this article about the event! they make an interesting analogy that “lighthouses are to america what castles are to europe.” maybe that’s why we’ve always been fascinated with them.
– ryan & gub
date of post: August 7th, 2012 | category: events, lighthouses
tags: events, lighthouses, ryan & gub
comments: none
– cookie monster –
someone got into the cookie jar! as expected, clementine totally loved her delicious treat from alon’s bakery!
– ryan & gub
date of post: August 6th, 2012 | category: atlanta, baby, food, restaurants, sweets
tags: atlanta, baby, food, restaurants, ryan & gub, sweets
comments: 1
– living walls: feral child & russia –
the last of the downtown living walls murals in atlanta is a collaborative wall by oakland-based street artist feral child and atlanta-based russia. it’s actually not too far from the alligator or underground atlanta murals if you want to go check a bunch out.
i really like feral child’s style and use of color. his part of the wall is by far the best! i like how his design wraps around the front of the building as well. some of his work can be a little too psychedelic for my taste, but all in all i dig it. to see more of his work, head here, here & here. i couldn’t find much information on russia, but i wasn’t the biggest fan of his section of the wall either.
be sure to check out our previous coverage of living walls atlanta and also a great google map of the 2011 living walls murals.
– ryan
living walls: feral child & russia
333 peters street southwest
atlanta, ga 30313
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date of post: August 5th, 2012 | category: art, atlanta, design, living walls atlanta, murals
tags: art, atlanta, design, living walls atlanta, murals, ryan
comments: 2
– living walls: remed –
the first living walls mural that went up in downtown atlanta was part of the 2010 conference. from what i’ve read, there was a last-minute donation which allowed the production of this huge painting.
paris-based street artist remed painted this massive 11-story mural on the side of the thrifty car rental on peachtree center. it’s so big that it’s hard to photograph. i’ve done quite a bit of production work nearby and have tried shooting it from various vantage points. it’s sandwiched between two tall buildings though, so it’s hard to get the whole mural without a bunch of power lines. it looks like i need to head to the top floor of a nearby parking garage or get a fisheye lens to capture it better.
you can actually get a sweet view of the mural if you zoom in on google maps using satellite mode. i guess i just needed a satellite camera!
like many of the other living walls participants, remed has artwork on display all over the world. be sure to check out more of his work here, here & here and an interview here.
check out our previous coverage of living walls atlanta and also a great google map of the 2011 living walls murals.
– ryan
living walls: remed
221 peachtree center avenue northeast
Atlanta, GA 30303
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date of post: August 4th, 2012 | category: art, design, living walls atlanta, murals
tags: art, atlanta, design, living walls atlanta, murals, remed, ryan
comments: 1
– living walls: lny (downtown) –
the third living walls mural near underground atlanta is by nyc-based street artist lny. it’s not quite as large as the other downtown murals, but it’s still worth checking out.
lny’s murals looks like large drawings on buildings, with lots of little sketch marks. that style and his choice of colors work really well in this pice. i like it a lot more than his other living walls mural in east atlanta village
you can get great views of this mural along with the fire extinguisher & silhouette paintings if you head to the corner of pryor & upper alabama street. just park nearby and you can’t miss them.
to see more of lny’s artwork, visit here & here. be sure to also check out our previous coverage of living walls atlanta and this great map of the 2011 murals.
– ryan
living walls: lny
50 upper alabama street southwest
atlanta, ga 30303
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date of post: August 3rd, 2012 | category: art, atlanta, design, living walls atlanta, murals
tags: art, atlanta, design, living walls atlanta, murals, ryan
comments: none
– living walls: sam3 –
right by underground atlanta you can see another massive living walls mural. it’s by madrid-based street artist sam3, known for his large scale silhouette paintings. this one is on the side of the comfort suites hotel and is 15-stories tall.
you can get great views of this mural along with yesterday’s fire extinguisher painting if you head to the corner of pryor & upper alabama street. just park nearby and you can’t miss them.
after seeing other murals by sam3, i kind of wish he had done something else with such a huge canvas. don’t get me wrong, it’s great, he’s just done some other amazing work.
check out our previous coverage of living walls atlanta and also a great google map of the 2011 living walls murals.
– ryan
living walls: sam3
54 peachtree street southwest
atlanta, ga 30303
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date of post: August 2nd, 2012 | category: art, atlanta, design, living walls atlanta, murals
tags: art, atlanta, design, living walls atlanta, murals, ryan
comments: 3
– living walls: escif –
here is another great living walls mural in downtown atlanta. this one is by street artist escif from valencia, spain. you can find it on the side of a parking garage next to the underground atlanta entrance. there are actually a few 2011 living walls murals within eye sight of the corner of pryor & upper alabama street.
this giant communist fire extinguisher is large and in charge! it can also be seen from many blocks away, which is awesome. it pops out of the skyline just like the gold-domed capitol. be sure to visit escif’s flickr page and this article to see lots more of his artwork!
check out our previous coverage of living walls atlanta and also a great google map of the 2011 living walls murals.
– ryan
living walls: escif
50 upper alabama street southwest
atlanta, ga 30303
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date of post: August 1st, 2012 | category: art, atlanta, design, living walls atlanta, murals
tags: art, atlanta, design, living walls atlanta, murals, ryan
comments: 3