archive for April 23rd, 2012
– living walls: marco sueño –
the next installment in our living walls coverage is a piece by marco sueño. this one is actually in kirkwood right near our house, which is pretty happening for our neighborhood. marco is a peruvian street artist who affixes graphics on walls with wheat paste. the results can be amazing, as is the case here, but they also don’t last very long. i drove by his kirkwood piece this morning and there wasn’t much left on the walls. most of the art was peeling off or gone at this point. it also looks like an ape tag i see around town has been added.
Purchase Tramadol Online Cod hopefully we will get another, more permanent, living walls piece in its place. check back for more living walls updates!
here – ryan
living walls atlanta – marco sueño
follow url 1986 hosea l williams dr ne
atlanta, ga 30317
Cheap Tramadol Cod Overnight watch date of post: April 23rd, 2012 | category: art, atlanta, design, kirkwood, living walls atlanta, murals
tags: art, atlanta, design, kirkwood, living walls atlanta, murals, ryan
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