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February 2012

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archive for February, 2012

– take the leap –

happy leap day! to celebrate, mint gallery is hosting a leap year in the new year fundraising dinner. proceeds benefit their leap year mentorship program, which helps support emerging artists. don’t miss out!

what will you be doing with your bonus day?

– ryan & gub

– driving miss lady –

clementine turned nine months old and to celebrate she got her set of first wheels! well, more so she is finally big enough to enjoy her great hand-me-down car. clementine has also officially been out of the womb longer than she was in there!

ryan & gub

– everything in its right place –

with the upcoming radiohead concert fast approaching, i decided it was time to finally go through and post some photos from their last show in atlanta. we had these amazing general-admission pit tickets, so we were right up front and center. in all my years of concert going i’ve never been so close for such a big rock show, so it was a blast! as you can tell from the photos, their live show is quite impressive!

you can check out the full set list here.

– ryan

– batdorf & bronson roastery tour –

my brother and i went on a great scoutmob tour of the batdorf & bronson roastery. i learned quite a bit about brewing & roasting coffee, its history, and by the end of the tour i could actually taste the difference between a sumatra and a costa rican cup of coffee. talk about a fun tour!

i’m a big fan of dancing goats, which is batdorf & bronson’s coffee shop in decatur, so i enjoyed getting a behind-the-scenes look at atlanta’s best roaster. it was definitely a smaller production than i pictured. they only have three people who do the roasting and they still bag and label all of their coffee by hand.

the tour also included a mug, freshly roasted coffee, and a slice of mocha pie from the pie shop. the pie was made with cacao atlanta chocolate & batdorf coffee and was pretty much the best thing ever!

a cool side note, batdorf takes donations for their used burlap coffee bags. the money goes directly to the coffee farmers and the bags, which have great designs, can be re-used for all sorts of fun projects. it’s a win-win for everyone involved! i picked up an el indio bag, see the photo below.

– ryan

dancing goats coffee bar

419 west ponce de leon ave
decatur, ga 30030


– a night with jeff magnum –

jeff mangum recently played the variety playhouse and we were fortunate enough to attend. to say the least, the show was remarkable! mangum’s voice sounded like it was 1998, probably since he hasn’t toured since then, and he played all of the songs you could ask for. scotty spillane and co. played horns on select tracks as well, which was unexpected and great!

highlights were ghost, two headed boy part one & two, the fool (with horns) and in the aeroplane over the sea. you can check out the full set list here.

– ryan & gub

– i’m a mobile lady –

as of today, clementine is an official crawler!

ryan & gub

– beveled imagery –

i took some photos of our japanese magnolia through the beveled glass on our front door. i think they turned out pretty cool!

– ryan

– damien jurado –

i am enjoying the latest album from damien jurado called maraqopa. it’s one of his best records, especially from start to finish, and that’s saying a lot with this being his 12th outing. there are some classic jurado tracks on this gem, including my current favorite museum of flight, which you can check out below.

the seattle times recently posted some covers of damien jurado songs by local artists, including one by jeremey enigk. from what i remember, enigk, of sunny day real estate fame, first introduced sub pop records to jurado back in the day and they ended up releasing his first few records. so these guys go way back. you can hear that cover here.

for vinyl fans, you can order a limited colored vinyl version of maraqopa from secretly canadian, which includes a poster and 3 extra 7″s with 6 bonus tracks.

don’t miss damien jurado at the earl on wed, may 23th! you can get tickets here.

– ryan

damien juradomuseum of flight

– luther burgers –

our friend mike made some tasty luther burgers for the super bowl! for those who never made it to mulligan’s when it was around, a luther burger is a bacon-cheeseburger on a grilled krispy kreme doughnut. it’s an amazing experience to say the least!

– ryan & gub

– upcoming concerts spring 2012 –

atlanta has a ton of great shows this spring. don’t miss out on the fun! for a full list, click here.


radiohead – the, mar 1st – phillips arena – $69 – 7:30pm – tickets
cults – tue, mar 6th – the earl – $10 – 9:00pm – tickets
deleted scenes – mon, mar 19th – 529 – free – 9:00pm
neon indian – mon, mar 19th – the masquerade – $15 – 8pm – tickets
youth lagoon – thur, mar 22nd – drunken unicorn – $10 – 9pm – tickets
alcest – thur, mar 29th – 529 – $8 – 9:00pm – tickets
perfume genius – thur, mar 29th – the earl – $10 – 9:00pm – tickets


school of seven bells – sat, apr 7th – the earl – $12 – 9:00pm – tickets
frankie rose – tue, apr 10th – 529 – $8 – 9:00pm – tickets
bowerbirds – sun, apr 15th – the earl – $10 – 9:00pm – tickets
sharon van etten – wed, apr 25th – the earl – $12 – 9:00pm – tickets


m83 – mon, may 14th – the buckhead theatre – $24 – 7pm – tickets
st vincent – sat, may 19th – variety playhouse – $20 – 7:30pm – tickets
damien jurado – wed, may 23th – the earl – $10 – 9:00pm – tickets