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December 2011

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archive for December, 2011

– farewell 2011 –

happy new year!

– ryan, gub & clementine

– like father, like daughter –

how quickly they learn!

– ryan & gub

– bacon fried pumpkin seeds –

i found myself with a pumpkin that needed to be put to rest and a pan of hot bacon grease and wondered, can you fry up pumpkin seeds? the answer is definitely yes and that they are quite tasty in fact. just fry them until golden brown and add salt.

highly recommended!

– ryan

-next up, i’m going to see if i can make stove-top popcorn with bacon fat!

– favorite concerts of 2011 –

i gathered a list of my favorite concerts from 2011. i hope to also put up a list of my favorite albums later in the week.

archers of loaf & band of horses – sun, jul 24th – the earl
broken social scene – thu, feb 10th – the buckhead theatre
casiokids & strfkr – wed, mar 23rd – drunken unicorn
godspeed you! black emperor – tue, mar 22nd – 40 watt
kurt vile – sun, aug 7th – the earl
m83 – mon, oct 31st – the masquerade
the pains of being pure at heart & twin shadow – tue, apr 5th – the earl
sebadoh playing bakesale – mon, mar 28th – the earl
tUnE-yArDs – tue, oct 4th – the basement
zola jesus – tue, oct 25th – the earl


-here is my favorite concert list from last year.

– ironic art installation or outdated food display? –

this year’s annual sterritt family chinese food pilgrimage took us to golden budda on clairmont road in decatur. the entryway featured this huge showcase filled with fake plastic chinese food entrees. they were each labeled with those awesome old plastic labels that my papa used to label everything with. they were pretty amazing in a really gross way!

the food ended up being decent. it’s uncle adam’s go-to place for chinese. it’s now our go-to place for viewing awesome fake plastic food.

– ryan & gub

golden budda

1905 clairmont rd
decatur, ga 30033


– hickory pig bbq –

we recently re-visited the hickory pig when we traveled up to north georgia for our christmas tree. we first tried it out for ryan’s birthday ‘week of bbq’ when it was voted atlanta’s #1 bbq. gub got take-out then, which we enjoyed at the drive-in, so this was the first time ryan had actually been inside the tiny establishment. phil treated us very well and insisted we try most of the goodies on the daily menu. he kept bringing out more food for us after we had received our order. everything was great, but the ribs were especially awesome.

this is the kind of no-frills, hole in the wall, real southern place we really love!

– ryan & gub

hickory pig

3605 thompson bridge rd
gainesville, ga 30506


– happy holidays –

today was clementine’s seven month birthday as well as her first christmas, what a big day!

– ryan, gub & clementine

– holiday in charleston –

we spent a nice winters evening in charleston last night!

– ryan & gub

– mystical garden –

i tried filming time lapse of one of those mystical gardens earlier this week. it looked pretty cool, although it took way longer than expected. the box claims everything would finish within 10 hours, however after 24+ hours, 10,000+ photos and 3 camera battery changes, the mystical garden was still growing and we had to leave for the holidays. maybe it was too cold in our house or something, but it sure took forever.

– ryan

– xmas clementine –

looking forward to clementine’s first christmas!!! to grandmother’s house we go!

– ryan, gub & clementine