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November 2011

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archive for November, 2011

– battle of the beards –

don’t miss the first ever battle of the beards this saturday at the highland inn ballroom! there will be food trucks, live music, local artist vendors, a full bar and lots & lots of facial hair. how can you go wrong?

– ryan

– vintage sign –

check out this old school taco bell sign we saw on our way to tybee island! their was an actual taco bell down the road, but it looks like they kept up this sign from an old store, which is awesome.

– ryan

– holiday sunset –

over the thanksgiving break i filmed some time lapse of a sunset with my new camera. i think it looked pretty good for my first attempt, although i would tweak the settings next time and try and start it earlier. i do like all of the movement of the duck on the pond though!

– ryan

– a brief history in moving pictures –

i recently finished up a dvd project for polyvinyl records called a brief history in moving pictures. the dvd is part of the label’s 15th anniversary celebration and compiles 60 videos from its history, including the entire of montreal video collection.

i was in charge of the technical side of the dvd, including authoring/encoding/menu design/etc. the project ended up taking 2+ years to gather all of the videos and put everything together, but it was well worth the wait. i’ve been a fan of polyvinyl for many years, so it was fun working together on this project.

you can pre-order a brief history in moving pictures for $10, which includes a digital download of all 60 songs as well. i thought that was a cool bonus!

– ryan

– apple picking –

we took a day trip up to the north georgia mountains a few weeks ago to pick apples. clem got to taste her first apple (just a lick!) and bring home a pumpkin for halloween.

– ryan & gub

reece apple orchards

9131 highway 52 east
ellijay, ga 30536


– six months today –

happy sixth month birthday clementine! time sure has flown by.

– ryan & gub

– happy thanksgiving –

we are thankful for cousins. clementine and will celebrated their first turkey day together!

– ryan & gub

– indie craft experience –

the indie craft experience holiday shopping spectacular was fantastic as usual! we nearly finished our holiday shopping, so i would consider that a full success. and in case you missed it, don’t worry, ICE is also hosting a pop-up shop inside criminal records from december 1st through the 24th! they will have a ton of amazing handmade goods for sale.

i filmed some time lapse footage of the two-day event with my friend chase. below you can see the work-in-progress and also find more videos here. i plan on editing the footage together, but i thought it looked great and wanted to share! if you have high-speed internet, be sure to watch the clips in HD.

– ryan

– sunset clementine –

in october we visited one of our most favorite getaways at holden beach, north carolina. we spent a few last warm days introducing clem to the beach. she got her feet wet and enjoyed the sunshine.

– ryan & gub

– denver b-cycle –

we were impressed with the denver b-cycle program while out in colorado! basically there are a ton of these bike racks around the city where you can rent and return bicycles. they even had baskets on the front! we were told atlanta tried a similar program but the bikes kept getting stolen. oh well.

– ryan & gub