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January 2011

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archive for January, 2011

– it’s a girl –

we found out we are having a baby girl! how exciting! to make the news a little more special, we had the doctor write down the gender on a sheet of paper and seal it in an envelope for us. we then went out for a nice dinner at fritti, where we opened the envelope to find out the amazing news!

– ryan & gub


309 n highland ave ne
atlanta, ga 30307


– sublime doughnuts –

we grabbed some sweets for a gathering today from sublime doughnuts! you can find this great local doughnut shop on 10th st near georgia tech on the westside. they always have a ton of unique flavored treats you won’t find at any doughnut chain. today we went with fresh strawberry ‘n cream, reese’s peanut butter cup, butter toffee with caramel chocolate, orange cream star, gnutella, and caramel apple fritter. they were some of the best doughnuts we have ever had!

for some amazing doughnuts you will be thinking about for days, definitely try out sublime doughnuts!

– ryan & gub

sublime doughnuts

535 10th st nw
atlanta, ga 30318


– hopslam mini-keg –

one of my favorite beers around, and one of the hardest to find for that matter, is hopslam ale by bell’s brewery out of kalamazoo, michigan. this citrusy, floral, and insanely-hoppy double-IPA is brewed with honey and is one of the smoothest 10% beers you will find. hopslam is the winter seasonal release by bell’s and is a real treat when around. for some reason they don’t ship too much of it down south, so most stores sell out the day they receive their shipment.

last winter i was able to find this beer for the first time and was quite impressed. the problem was when i discovered its greatness, atlanta was already completely sold out. this year i have yet to find the six-packs, however i did find this beautiful mini-keg! having five liters of this tasty treat in my fridge is great to come home to after a long day of work!

– ryan

bell’s brewery

355 e. kalamazoo ave.
kalamazoo, mi 49007


– happy birthday –

today is gub’s birthday! yay!

– ryan & gub

– five for five –

so we ended up having the entire week off from work due to the snow/ice storm. quite crazy! the snow is finally melting and the roads are slowly getting back to normal, although many are still covered in ice. we can’t wait for warmer weather!

– ryan & gub

– four square –

today was our fourth day off from work due to the snow/ice storm. we finally broke out and went on an adventure to ikea. we quickly realized that our street had deceived us and was way less icy than everywhere else. driving was slow moving and slippery. we did find some great deals and the outing was much-needed, though! plus, we had ikea all to ourselves. it was like a ghost town.

p.s. – we bought a crib!!!!!

– ryan & gub

– three-peat –

today we spent our third day in a row cooped up in the house because of the snow storm. third day is a charm… i guess. it was our first day with some sunlight and we were actually productive and did some cleaning. work is called off again tomorrow. crazy!!!

– ryan & gub

– day two –

cabin fever is setting in! we are off work again but stuck at home with the icy roads. hot cocoa and groundhog day it is!

– ryan & gub

– snow day –

we had a snow day today! YAY for snow days! we made a big pot of soup, baked cookies, played in the snow, and visited with neighbors. it was great fun!

oh, and check out the new house color. we had it painted this summer. full post with before and after photos coming soon…

– ryan & gub

– catch a falling snowflake –

we are being hit by a crazy snow storm right now! it’s really coming down out there. i would say a few inches or more has already fallen! it should be a beautiful white morning.

– ryan