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October 2010

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– here we go wet hop –

my favorite time of the year has finally arrived! we have cool weather, fall foliage, and, as of last week, we have the 2010 lineup of wet hop ales!

in case you missed my post at the beginning of the summer, wet/fresh hop ales are by far my favorite beers and are only around for a couple months of the year. this type of beer is unique to american craft breweries and is quite the treat when you can find them. these tasty brews are made with wet hops that are delivered to the brewery the same day they are harvested. the brewers are waiting on hand to add the wet hops to the kettle while at the peak of their freshness. the result is one of the hoppiest, most flavorful beers around. it’s the equivalent of cooking with fresh herbs rather then dried ones.

so far i have only been able to find sierra nevada’s northern hemisphere harvest in atlanta, but i am sure many more will be available soon. in the meantime northern hemisphere harvest is totally satisfying my fix.

i will be trying any and all wet/fresh hops ales i can find this fall, so be sure to check back for more reviews! i hear from my buddy rob in oregon that the rogue wet hop ale is also great, hopefully he can send me one.

– ryan

sierra nevada

1075 east 20th street
chico, ca 95928



Comment from Rob
time 10/17/2010 at 11:01 pm

One day this week, I’m going to go out and try to find as many of these as I can for you:

We’ll see how it goes. I’m familiar with a lot of the breweries listed here, I’m just not sure how many of these brews get bottled. Send me your address again.

Comment from ryan & gub
time 10/18/2010 at 6:19 am

whoa, that’s awesome! thanks for the link and any beers you can send along from the west coast! i hear you though, most breweries just have their wet/fresh hop ales on draft instead of in bottles.

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